What is YOUR Practice?

During this time at home, we have all come by necessity to ask ourselves what we have learned what we are learning and what we will learn from this experience. Yoga has so much to teach us, and our practice of yoga is one of the tools we can use to better cope and find ways to make this time useful in the end.
Online classes give us an opportunity to continue practice with guidance from our teacher, but also we have to learn to practice more attentively and sensitively to our own needs in our own space. We all have individual approaches, life experiences, and other practices that may color our practice of yoga as well. All of these come together as our entire “practice of life”.
Recently a friend of mine, Jen Kagan, who I practice with weekly online as we have never lived in the same place, decided to start a podcast on this very topic of practice. In our practices together of yoga we have found similarities and also vast differences in what “practice” means to us and it has become a topic of fascination. Little Big Moments is now a labor of love for her and she joins in discussion with fellow yoga practitioners and teachers to ask this question – “what is YOUR practice?”.
I had the opportunity to be one of her first conversations, and though it is difficult to listen to myself “on air”, I share it with you in hopes to ignite the same question for you…what is YOUR practice and what does it mean to have practice, yoga or otherwise, in your life?
After listening, I realize I have some work to do in clarifying my primate behavior analogy…it is one of those things that is so clear and simple in MY head after years of studying the subject, but putting it to words and through the lens of yoga will take some more time….so excuse any blunders and also know that editing is a tough business and Jen is just starting out.
I hope you enjoy and at the very least let it be the beginning of your own contemplation on what your own practice means to you.