

Friendliness, Strength, and Inner Light

In our last Yoga Sutra discussion group, we covered the yoga sutras in the third chapter highlighting the “powers” that arise from the heightening and integration of the senses –…


What’s In a Name ?- Sanskrit in Action and Asana

As time is flying and Fall is arriving, time to look ahead and plan some more in-depth study for the Monday night specials. For October, we thought we would revisit…


The Subtle Body, Senses, and Fruits of Action

As we proceed with the “naturally super” powers of yoga explained within the third chapter of The Yoga Sutras, we must continue to discuss the concepts of samyama (integration), samadhi…


Final Hits and a Quiet End

The last chapters of The Great OOM by Robert Love highlight the last big enterprises that Bernard takes on to try and keep the Clarkstown Country Club alive. However, all…


Knowing Your Own Mind – And Possibly Others

I know I am a bit late in writing about our last Yoga Sutra Study group and the upcoming Sutras for discussion on Aug 29th at 11:00am, but I hope…


Elephants, Celebrities, and Yoga? Uh Oh…

Well, serves me right to be behind on writing and catching-up on reading possibly the most “busy” Chapters of The Great OOM. I am still slightly behind schedule, but will…


The Sky Was the Limit

The Great OOM continues with the growing popularity of the CCC (Clarkstown Country Club) and its astounding offerings in entertainment and energy! Bernard was a master at moving with the…


Breaking Ties and Tradition

What I have come to realize in this second reading of The Great OOM is that there really isn’t a lot of personal attention to the man himself. His story…

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Shoulderstand – The Mother

As yoga teachers, we don’t get the question about standing on the shoulders as much as on the head. For some reason, Sarvangasana – short form “shoulder stand” – seems…

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Why Would I Want to Stand on My Head?

As I am teaching the “Back to Basics” class for The Yoga Place, of course we touch on building the strong foundations needed to practice future inversions. One of the…