
person doing yoga next to flower painting

Bring “May Flowers” to Your Yoga!

“April Showers Bring May Flowers” is a common saying, and we are settling into those rains that begin to bloom the Spring flowers around us. In yoga, our practice helps…


Spring Cleaning – Body, Mind, and Breath

Spring is in the air and soon we will all emerge to the sunlight with squinting eyes and sluggish bodies. We take the time to dust off and clear out any build-up in the house and home over winter, switch over the wardrobe, and get outside. But what about our inner spaces? How do we deal with the build-up and low energy mood of the darker days? Can we even have tools to open the lungs for breathing better as allergy season arrives?


Mobility and Movement

When “Iyengar Yoga” comes to mind, most of us think of stability, holding poses longer, strict alignment. However, one trip to India and taking classes with Indian teachers (including the…


Iyengar Yoga Ignite!

We have a new Monday evening series starting TONIGHT! so don’t miss out. As we have all been facing a bit of struggle the past years, it is important to…