

Boost Your Immunity with K-Lea

“Restorative Yoga is all about the relaxation response. In a culture that seems to promote and reward “doing” and “being productive” as the only “valuable” way to live, Restorative Yoga…


Just BE !

This will be my last post on this lovely Yoga Sutra II.27. Though we are only really getting through the “5th stage of wisdom” according to Patanjali, the next two…


Needful and Necessary

Reaching the fourth stage of wisdom, technically speaking, we have reached a stage of enlightenment, samadhi. We have realized that the Truth of our Self is separate from and undisturbed…


Mental Clarity

The third stage of wisdom is control and understanding of the mind. This leads to the realization and experience of our True Self. Drawing our attention away from the external…


Discard and Detach

The second level of wisdom according to Patanjali is the cessation of suffering. Once we turn our attention and awareness toward our own Self in the first stage, we are…


Know Thyself

As we look a little deeper into the 27th sutra of the second chapter of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, it is helpful to again state that this journey is…


Time for Tuning In

So, I woke this morning just wanting to see what “The Universe” might tell me to blog about today, so I did a “sutra dive” – ya know, where you…


Worldwide Web

OK, I am sure I don’t have to say it again, but The Yoga Place is now teaching classes live and online. I think I keep restating this more from…


Sadhana – Practice of Life and Yoga

The term “sadhana” in yoga is an important one to understand. In the west we tend to translate this as “practice”, or even “disciplined practice”, but that just doesn’t seem…


The Yoga Place Online

I have decided to try to get a blog out daily, even a short one, during this strange time. We want you to know that we are striving to make…